Hairy showed up at Barry and Leona’s one day and decided to stay. He greets everyone who comes to the door and makes sure to investigate all the shoes. Once we are all settled down and visiting he picks a lap to sit on (quite often mine), then settles in for a cuddle and scratch. Hairy is getting old now and has some arthritis as his movements are slow and appear painful. Leona says Hairy is “very pleased” with his web page.
Nov 23/18: Sadly Hairy passed away today after a lengthy illness. Barry said, “We stayed by him throughout the process stroking and petting him. Tears shed. It helped that the doctor thought Harry was lucky to have had us in his life. Relief that it’s over and won’t have to do this again.” Hairy was very lucky, after all he chose to live with Barry and Leona.
One Response to “Hairy”
It’s always so sad when our pets leave us for a better world. But they know they lived a good life with good people. Nice photos of Hairy.