Our 2 adult GH Owls are still with us and have set up their nest in the evergreen tree along the south side of the property (same nest as 2 years ago). They started nesting on March 11. The Ravens took exception to their using this particular nest as they used it last year. The Owl won.

April 23, the chicks should be hatched. I will have to do daily checks to see if I can photograph them.
May 5: saw mother owl flying around so decided to check the nest and saw 2 chicks! They are so cute!
May 13: Finally saw the 2 chicks properly.
June 2: The chicks were branching, June 3: they are off the nest and flying short distances.
June 20: One of the youngsters hurt his wing so we took him to the Coaldale Birds of Prey for rehabilitation.
July 17: We still hear the other youngster and see him on occasion during the evening and nite hours.
Oct 3: We often see the owls flying around at dusk. As the youngster is all grown up, it’s hard to tell him apart from his parents. Soon he will be flying off to his own territory.
Nov 11: Surprisingly our young owl is still with us as we sometimes hear him squacking.

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