Over the winter months we usually see a lot of White-tailed Deer in larger groups than in the summer. Our Great Horned Owl spent the whole day in plain view for us to enjoy. Even saw a fox. Waldy saw him right by the front door and took some photos of his foot prints. A flock of Red Polls also passed through.
4 Responses to “Lots of Deer”
Lots of healthy deer. Lovely fox. Do you only have the one Great Horned Owl left? Are the Swainson’s Hawks gone for the winter?
No there are 2 owls, maybe even 3 as the youngster is still here. Not a great shot of the fox as he was far away. Yes, the hawks are gone.
I can’t believe there are that many and so healthy, who is feeding them? We’ve got a large doe and 2 smaller ones that are tripping through the backyard. I’ve put out corn for them but it is a toss up who gets it, the blue jays or the deer. You don’t seem to be close to a forest yet have so much wild life. There is a forest at the end of Heather Cres, but aside from the jays and a few woodpeckers that is it. I’m not counting the chicadees of nuthatches. Melting temps for the last 2 days so the snow is going fast.
No one feeds the deer. There is a lot of pastures and they also nibble on shrubs and leaves if they can find them.