I think spring is officially here. I’ve seen 2 Robins, Killdeer and a Junco. Also seeing lots of Geese, some Swans, and Eagles. There were 2 Bald Eagles along our fence feeding on something the other day. Oh, and the Gophers are out, later than usual! The snow is also melting fast and we have our 3 spring lakes on our property. George took a photo of our place from a Cessna.
3 Responses to “March 26/19 – Birds are returning.”
Lots of water – good for the ground and plants. Get those rubber boots out. You’ll have lots of migrating birds soon. Love the Bald Eagle & Eurasian-Collared Dove, the latter I’ve never seen before. Should get Waldy to give a little tap to the old barn!! Fog mountain is kind of neat.
You never cease to amaze me with your ability to identify birds. I can only say “that’s a pretty bird”. But I do at least know robins and the photo of one looks like he/she is fat already. The aerial photo of your place was great. You have a beautiful piece of land that has brought you/Waldy so much joy being close to nature. Plus your friends/family have been the benefactors of your skillful photography to enjoy what you see right on your own property. Thanks. Lorraine
I’ve had 12 years to learn bird names and lots of help, the trick is remembering their names 😁