As usual, lots of wildlife activity on our 12 acres. The birds are starting to migrate south. Summer is basically over with cooler temperatures. We had a very hot summer and quite dry – plants suffered even tho we watered every 2 days. Hector, our Marmot decided to hibernate under the juniper bush, under the living room window. He won that one. Sadly our 2 owlets died. Waldy found their bodies under the north trees. We think they died of avian flu as there was no apparent injuries. There is one Swainson’s Hawk chick. He’s quite vocal when we are out and about. The honey bees really took advantage of the water in the bird bath, sometimes we filled it 7 or 8 times a day. There were some spectacular red sunsets/sunrises the week we had quite a bit of smoke from the wildfires in the mountains.
5 Responses to “Aug 4 – Sept 22/22”
Hi Marlene:
Your photos never cease to amaze and impress! The one of the clouds was other worldly.
Just had 2nd cataract surgery yesterday and not supposed to be on screens. But I’m wearing a patch so I can answer a few emails. Better get off now. love, LMW
Oh my goodness I can’t believe the bees in your birdbath. Amazing … Say Hello to Hector for me … unless he is in bed for good LOL
Good Morning Marlene. Finally what looks to be another sunny sort of a day unfolding. Our coldest night so far, enough to cover my orange tree. It is about 30yr I’ve had it and quite large, I need help moving it back inside now. Been transplanted 3 times to larger pots but thats it. Touches the ceiling in the laundry room, best spot for morning&early afteernoon sun. Only birds still here are our bluejays&chicadees. Hummingbirds left on 12th. Grosbeaks & Orioles gone too. Still busy at my Cemetery. Grass has not let up this season with the amount of rain, usually it burns by July but not this year. Every Wed/Thur cutting. I’ve done a few limo runs when they have called. Diane has been busier with that, on a 13hr bus detail now and will run to Quebec City tomorrow to pick up a woman&bring her back to Ottawa. We get some funny calls like that, a lot better than those boring airport/train station transfers. Hope you are back as good as new. Take care.
Beautiful shots of the warblers and other wildlife. Great to see the sweet peas finally took off and do attract your bees. They are perfect along the fence. Lovely colours of your hollyhock. I never have any luck with them. They grow a couple of feet and have very few blooms. I will try again next year.
Great photos, Marlene! I’ll have to get some hollyhock seeds from you. I tried planting a few but guess the seeds I had were too old. John loves hollyhocks … we used to have thousands! I have a place now where we can keep them confined. We’re enjoying watching all the birds as they’re heading south now, flock after flock.