We’ve had a few days of really nice weather so I got caught up in my yard work. The lawn was going to seed! I had to mow it high so it will need cutting again in the next couple of days. I also did some weeding in the veggie garden. Stuff is coming up nicely. A day does not go by tho where I don’t take any photos. There is definitely only 1 baby owl. I wish I knew what happened to the other one.
- June 2/16 – Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. Don’t see many of these.
- May 31/16 – Gopher enjoying the dandelions.
- May 31 – feeding time
- May 31 – feeding time
- May 31 – feeding time. He’s trying to steal the food from his mum.
- Turtles – my sister sent me this photo from Ontario. I thought it was so cool to see 3 in a row all different sizes. I wonder if they are from the same family.
- May 28/16
- May 28/16
2 Responses to “Catching Up”
Sorry about your 2nd owlet. Good that you caught up on some of your yardwork. Around here it only takes but a half hour or so. I miss the acreage and all the gardens we used to have. We have enough land to grow a few tomatoes, cukes & peppers and have nice trees, bushes and flowers, well established. The turtles do look rather neat looking. I believe they are snapping turtles.
Hello Marlene, been awhile so here is the big news I’d guess it could be called. We’ve bought a big house, big enough that the 3 of us have our space, not like the present place. We take it over the 6th Sept, would’ve preferred August but the sellers really didn’t want to move in the middle of summer. Then I think of “why did you put it up for sale when you did?” No matter as they left me a good size compressor in the detached garage which is all mine to do with as I please. It is 2 stories, insulated and heated–perfect.
Don’t get me wrong, the house is also perfect. 5 bedrooms and a granny suite in the basement. It is in Mississippi Mills. I was really getting tired of the looking. We must’ve went through 25 houses. It has been very dry around these parts, the lawns are burnt up like it was July, not all that hot except today, just no rain. Supposed to be wet for most of the coming week so maybe that’ll green things up. You mention your garden and seeing as we are leaving, we didn’t put one in and I miss that already. The place we are going to has a large lot and terrific gardens so I’ll be fine next year. Haven’t made it diving yet either, everyone ready just too busy with this house business. Keep up with the pics, I like to see what you can do with a camera, wish I had your knack. Best to All. Dave