It still amazed me how much wildlife we see here in our little corner of southern Alberta. During a recent snowstorm, a fawn from this year took shelter by our front door. He seems to be on his own. Our Swainson’s Hawks have migrated south and have been replaced with Rough-legged Hawks. Almost every autumn we see Pheasants that hunters have released in our area. They are safe in our yard! I was very surprised to see a pair of Pine Siskins snacking on our feeder at this late date – haven’t seem many of them this year. We’ve seen 3 Great Horned Owls. Looks like one of the youngsters has not left us yet. It’s really hard to know now which are which unless we actually see them toot, as the young ones don’t yet.
2 Responses to “Really Enjoying our Wildlife”
It amazes me as well all the wildlife you have. Nice shots. I sure hope the fawn survives the winter on its own.
Yes, you have an amazing amount of wildlife on your property. The fawn at your front door was touching. You live close to nature and must be good for your soul.
Plus your drop dead gorgeous moon.
Have a pleasant w/e.