We are waiting for the warm weather to come back and melt our snow but in the meantime the sun is shining and the snow gives me some lovely photo ops.. nothing like blue sky and white snow.
- My veggie garden.
- The Sumac is still trying to hang onto its leaves.
- Prickly Pear Cactus and snow!
- Almost time to empty and put away our rain barrels.
- Oct 11/16 – We have 13 Gray Partridges. I think the owls may have gotten a couple.
- Gray Partridge
- Hoary Comma – Polygonia
- Barberry Geometer Moth – This moth was resting above the front door.
- Oct 11 – I think this is our youngster.. he hit the window and is a bit stunned. He did fly away.
- Sept 20/16 – Female Northern Flicker … um where’s the water?
4 Responses to “Still Have Snow”
Pretty scenes. You’re lucky to have so many partridges. I rarely see them and then only in the bush when we’re hiking. Do those cacti stay out year long?
Yes, the cacti are there all year.. it’s on the south side of our house. They used to be in the green house but they were taking over so I moved some out – they survived their 1st winter last year so I moved the rest out this summer. Had to wear double leather gloves in order not to get stabbed by those thorns.
Beautiful photos!! Keep them coming!!
Snow all gone here in Calgary!
Hi, how much snow do you get in the winter? Our dive yesterday was a surprise in that it was clear enough even on the bottom that we could see w/out the lights. We are thinking the cold water has cleared the water in the Madawaska River. Down for an hour and just at the end my feet were getting cold. It was great to sit on the peers under the bridge and have our lunch with the always required wine in the sunshine. We are heading back to a frosty night but still warming up to near 20 during the days. C Ya