Yesterday we broke record temperatures for April 16 – it was 28.5C (83.3F). A perfect day to go out and mow the lawn for the 1st time this season. Today it’s back to crazy wind.
Anyone know what kind of bird this fellow is? Not a great shot as it was evening when I took it and he was a bit far away. He’s smaller than a hawk but larger than a raven. Check out the leaves on the tree – they’re not usually out till towards the end of May. Everything is early this year.

Wind from the north. No wonder my flags don’t last.
2 Responses to “What kind of bird is this?”
Looks like a Cooper’s Hawk to me. They are a small Accipiter hawk that hunt small birds in forests or thick brush. They have an even smaller look-alike hawk cousin called the Sharp-shinned Hawk but I think this is a Cooper’s because of the rounded tail tip.
Thanks Bob. I knew you’d know 🙂