This being spring (actually had rain over night rather than snow) we are seeing lots of birds migrating. More deer are also coming around. Our Great Horned Owls hatched 2 chicks. They are not in a good spot to photograph but we are able to watch them through the telescope. Our spring lakes are smaller but there have been some ducks stopping by.The Red Tail Hawks started to rebuild their nest from last year but I think changed their mind as they never finished it. The Robins were not pleased with the snow. The “Pink” full moon was pretty spectacular. Our perennials are doing very well so far. The Hutterites have started seeding. Once again, the Killdeer decided to nest on our laneway. The bees are really happy to finally have some dandelions to feast on. And our guard cat, Moxie, is lying on the coffee table watching out for wildlife!!
2 Responses to “Birds & the Bees”
As always, your photos are stunningly beautiful. So impressed how you appreciate wildlife and nature! Thanks for the lovely Sabbath uplift.
I just enjoyed Zoom church. Not comfortable attending in person yet even though x2 vaccinated.
You sure do get a variety of birds flying through. Lovely to see them and the wildlife. Did the Red-tail Hawks stay. I hope they weren’t disturbed by the Horned owls. What do the Hutterites grow? We had a male Northern Flicker the other day but I wasn’t able to get a good photo of it.