Already into March of 2021. As we are still in Pandemic lock down, keeping ourselves isolated and healthy, we haven’t been doing too much this past month. February was the coldest month this winter so we didn’t get out on too many walks. The Northern Flicker came to visit briefly, taking advantage of fox’s water bowl. Our Great Horned Owls have been mating these past couple of weeks so hopefully mamma will start nesting soon. I took the round owl photo through the telescope, using my cell phone, so not the best quality. If you look closely, the owls are sitting right next to each other. The deer have not come by for awhile, probably because of all our snow and we haven’t seen our fox in awhile either. We are so happy to have Moxie – she keeps us thoroughly entertained.
2 Responses to “February 2021”
Lovely photos as usual. Is that the main barn out back where the owls used to perch?
Despite fewer animals/birds on your property, you still manage to take some amazing photos of birds, the landscapes and sunsets. I’m done with winter (would only like to be in warm climate) but you do capture some of it’s beauties.