Well I guess the news for February is snow snow and more snow.. we had a record snowfall here and quite cold temperatures. Waldy is quite sick of moving snow. He finally came home the other day with a proper vehicle to really clean up our place – see the results in the movie below taken with my dash cam. (No he didn’t use his little quad that you see in one of the photos.)
firefox html5 video by EasyHtml5Video.com v3.9.1
2 Responses to “February News”
Yes, you have lots of snow but it sure looks pretty. I noticed, tho, the highway doesn’t seem to have as much. The old barn out back is falling apart. Hope the owls will stay in the other part that’s still intact. We came home to sunny +6C, no snow. There were a few patches in N. New York State and very little along the 401.
Beautiful photos as always! But I can see why Waldy is DONE with shovelling. I’m DONE with winter and been away a month!! Home tomorrow so the whining will begin! COME ON SPRING!!