A perfect rainy day to sit at my computer and put up another blog post. It’s been pretty active here in the wildlife department. We’ve had a lot of 30c+ temperatures and smoke from the BC wildfires. Every so often a little rain. The 2 Swainson’s Hawk chicks are flying off the nest but still return for their meals. It’s scary to see them on the road.
2 Responses to “July 19 – August 17/21”
Beautiful rain and wonderful photos as always!
Amazing photos! Always surprised by the amount and variety of wild life you have passing through your property. Was interested in the fox photo as I have TWO foxes that like to keep me company in my cottage yard this year in MB. But I’ve filled in their holes by my shed and gazebo. Sorry guys/girls….despite all your hard work, I want you gone. Well one of them marched down the beach right in front of my gazebo today! Not deterred yet. But enjoying the hummingbirds and orioles.