Our wildlife has been very active since my last post. We’ve had 3 sets of Killdeer families nesting on our lane way; our 4 Great Horned Owls, 2 Swainson’s chicks (no photos yet as they are deep in their nest); only 1 White Tail Fawn accompanied by 2 Does; a Prairie Marmot; a larger number than usual of grasshoppers and butterflies; and lots of birds. Saw a single Lark Bunting a few times, a very rare sighting here; and a Clay-coloured Sparrow, also 1st sighting.
4 Responses to “June 9 – July 18/21”
Fabulous photos as always! Can’t you submit them somewhere? They need to be seen by a wide audience.
Just arrived in Gimli, MB last eve. Another 15 hour solo drive. Glad I can still do it and keep up my highway driving skills. A fox had a fun spring it looks like as there are big holes all around my shed. But no photos of animals like you have.
Lovely photos of your various wildlife. Thanks
A steady hand for superb camera work, coupled with excellent composition in the frame. My favourite: > Papillion dans sa route aux adventures < As someone else suggested…forward a selection of images to "National Geographic". The quality of your work will sit well in that publication.
Thank you!!