According to the calendar is it supposed to be spring but …. Mother Nature is not done with us yet. More cold and snow to come to southern Alberta. I feel sorry for the early birds that have arrived, Robins, Starlings, and Sparrows. The Gophers have been out since the beginning of March, and there are a lot of them. The Canada Geese, Ducks and Swans are also migrating north. At least the snow we do have is melting slowly. There are lots of little ponds around. Our Great Horned Owl is also nesting (I need to get out and photograph her). Waldy went for a snow-shoe walk the other day and took some great shots in the Ducks Unlimited fields around us.
5 Responses to “Spring ???”
Beautiful photos as always!! But I’m so done with winter!!! Have to be hardy and not wimpy to live in Canada (and I’m a bit wimpy this winter)!
Thanks. We too have had enough!!
Lovely photos. No snow here but rain expected the rest of the week with a slight chance of snow flurries on the weekend. The barn out back is slowly collapsing. I hope Ducks Unlimited will be able to keep the main part for the owls to continue to reside there when not nesting. It’s such a perfect spot for them and you guys get to see them as well. [May be Waldy can do something with it.]
Good Evening Marlene. Our spring has finally returned, the last dumping is quickly melting away and good riddance. Finally we can get to the syrup making. Should be able to boil in a couple of days but will start the wine making tomorrow. The tapping we did this afternoon has the sap just about running out of the trees. We could sit on our deck this afternoon for a beer, well I could, Diane not so impressed. I told her tomorrow it was her snow tire change to summers. Night for now.
Enjoyed the slideshow, we have a lot of starlings around right now but haven’t seen robins