When I checked the owl nest this morning it was empty so I looked around and found one of the owlets in a tree at the back – so they are flying. Mother was close by. I didn’t find the 2nd one. We have a couple of Gray Catbirds (which are a rare siting) and the Swainson’s Trush are passing through. It’s comical to watch the male ducks – they all hang out together while their mates are nesting. There is a duck nest in the raspberry bushes with 11 eggs in it (no photo). I was working there and scared the mother. I hope she went back to the nest. Oh and we also have a skunk hanging about! My friend Barry sent me the Robin’s nest with the 4 beautiful blue eggs – it’s in the light fixture above his garage door. The moon shot is also on my Season’s page. I actually got up at 6am to take that photo!
3 Responses to “Active Wildlife”
Continually amazes me the wildlife that visit and live on your property!! And that you KNOW what they are. Great photos.
And your friend’s robin eggs are beautiful! Thanks for the morning uplift.
Lorraine, I have LOTS of books to help me out!! And 10 years of living here and getting to know our wildlife. We had 8 deer yesterday! It was too dark to take photos.
The young male mallards must be having a bachelor party on your lawn huh ? 🙂 ~ dreaming of their day to come.